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Yancheng Zhiming Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd.



Mobile/WhatsApp/Wechat:+86 15380536432

E-mail: 15380536432@163.com

Address: No. 566 Yongxing Road, Jianhu County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China

Website: www.rexkane-hart.com

Company News

DXP Aaluminum Loading Ramp Instructions



1.Ramps must be used with care,please carefully check the ramp before and after use, if you find an abnormal safety hazard such  as a weld crack caused by improper use, please stop using it immediately and keep tires clean remove mud and stones.

2.Ensure that carrying vehicle will not move during loading.

3.The axle carrying the greatest mass must always be upper most.

4.Wheels must be central between channels,do not drive on flanges of channel.

5.It is the operators responsibility to ensure that the load does not exceed the rated capacity of the ramps.
        6.Extra high strength alloy is used in this fabrication. Please do not arbitrarily drill and remodel.

Installation instructions

1.Ensure that machinery does not exceed the rated capacity of the ramps.

2.Ramps must be securely fixed to vehicle.
        3.Please use below 16.5° Maximum slope 16.5° inclination maximale 16.5°
        4.Grounding of the ramps: choose flat and solid ground. Please keep the two ramps parallel.
        5.Do not accelerate Keep off side rail!Ensure machinery is driven in the middle of the ramps.

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